Van’s Aircraft reports progress toward reorganization

Van’s Aircraft pledged January 20 to close the loop soon with customers awaiting word on new prices for kits that include engines.
Hal and Sandy Shevers hang it up

After more than 60 years of growing their business from humble beginnings to one of the biggest general aviation mail-order companies in the United States, Hal and Sandy Shevers decided to retire.
AOPA provides support, recommendations on MOSAIC

In comments to the FAA on January 22, AOPA collaborated with aviation organizations to ensure the much-anticipated rulemaking on the expansion of light sport aircraft and sport pilot privileges will go far enough to meet the needs of the pilot population and make sense within the national airspace system.
Many Van’s Aircraft customers still await word on price hike

Five of the hundreds of Van’s Aircraft customers who must decide by January 30 whether to accept a steep price hike or join the pool of unsecured creditors in the ongoing bankruptcy case voiced frustration during a January 16 hearing before Judge David W. Hercher, and were told by the company’s attorney that answers to […]
Many Van’s Aircraft customers still await word on price hike

Five of the hundreds of Van’s Aircraft customers who must decide by January 30 whether to accept a steep price hike or join the pool of unsecured creditors in the ongoing bankruptcy case voiced frustration during a January 16 hearing before Judge David W. Hercher, and were told by the company’s attorney that answers to […]
Pivotal opens sales for light eVTOL Helix

Light electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) manufacturer Pivotal, formerly known as Opener, has started selling Helix, the company’s first scalable production aircraft.
AOPA urges swift action on FAA reauthorization

AOPA is again urging members of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee to act on the FAA reauthorization bill.

FREDERICK, Md., Jan. 12, 2024—The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association’s Air Safety Institute (ASI) has released a new episode in its popular Real Pilot Story video series.
AOPA prepares for MOSAIC comment deadline

The FAA’s comment deadline on the proposed rulemaking for the expansion of light sport aircraft and the privileges for sport pilots will close on January 22. AOPA and the Experimental Aircraft Association are working collaboratively to express support for specific elements—and to propose necessary revisions.
FAA updates AC on engine power-loss accidents

The FAA has released an updated advisory circular that focuses on the circumstances surrounding engine power-loss accidents and recommendations on how to prevent them. The document also provides charts and advice for engine trend monitoring.