Emergency Response Plan


Congratulations! You either currently own a business aircraft or have decided to add one to your business weapons inventory.

Fuel your aviation journey


The 2024 AOPA Foundation scholarship program opened September 5 with more than $1 million in scholarships for flight training, aviation maintenance, airport management, and more.

Trig Avionics gains FAA STC


Trig Avionics announced the availability of an FAA supplemental type certificate (STC) for its TX56 and TX57 nav/com models.

Trig Avionics gains FAA STC


Trig Avionics announced the availability of an FAA supplemental type certificate (STC) for its TX56 and TX57 nav/com models.

Aircraft deliveries ‘strong’ in first half of 2023


Airframers reported steady sales across all categories in the first half of 2023, and the General Aviation Manufacturers Association used the occasion of the latest data release to call for Congress to reauthorize the FAA and confirm a permanent administrator.

The weather is changing


In 2018, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Aviation Weather Center (AWC) website—AviationWeather.gov—averaged 130 million hits per day, which makes it arguably a very popular tool. The website has gained a following among aviators and meteorologists because it allows for a virtual review of any current or forecast weather condition in the United States. It […]

Passing the Torch


In the fall of 1929, the iconic and inimitable Orville Wright signed the pilot’s license of Paul Whittier, granting the young man permission to help write the next chapter in the history of flight. 

‘We kept doing the missions’


The FAA granted and expedited a regulatory exemption that AOPA sought on behalf of pilots flying supplies to West Maui for humanitarian relief in the wake of the devastating recent wildfires in Hawaii.

Charting changes highlight mountain passes


Flying through mountain passes can be tricky, particularly when the weather keeps you below ridge tops and confined to lower terrain. To help with crossing mountainous areas, major passes are charted as a visual aid on sectional charts. Sometimes, however, the pass is buried deep in a mountain range, and navigating to the pass can […]